Spanish Urban Agenda

Ecological footprint

Circular economy

Spanish Urban Agenda summary


In this unit we will learn about the principles of economy, understand the types of existing markets and the role they play in society.
We will also connect the concepts of income, expenses and savings to a balanced budget.
Finally, we will explore the world of advertising, the impact of companies on society and the environment and will learn about how to become responsible consumers.

Income and expenses

    Visual summary

Corporate Social Responsability

How to open a children's bank account?

Consumer Rights- European Union


Causes of the climate change

The greenhouse effect

Earth's ecosystems and their landscapes

Actions against climate change

Visual summary


In this unit we will learn about the European Union (EU), its institutions, values and objectives.
we will also learn about the importance of respecting human rights and promoting equality and will relate to the culture of peace and how it can help in conflict solving.
Finally, we will learn about minorities, in particular about Roma culture, and cultural diversity in Spain.

UNIT 2: CONTEMPORARY SPAIN: 20th AND 21st                                               CENTURIES

                                       VISUAL SUMMARY

UNIT 1: CONTEMPORARY SPAIN: MID-18TH AND 19TH                                               CENTURIES
A timeline is a very effective graphic resource for visualising events over a period of time. This one uses a path pattern structure to show the most important milestones in the history of Spain in the 19thcentury.

                              VISUAL SUMMARY


European Union Facts

The EU or European Union is a union of European member countries. The EU is a political economic union of countries that are located on the European continent. 

Of the 50 countries in Europe, 28 belong to the European Union (EU), but the European Union will change on 31 January 2020 and loose one member country. Do you know which one?

European Union countries - image by TetianaYurchenko/shutterstock.comThe European Union countries

Please note that the European Union member countries all are independent and sovereign countries with their own governments, own legislation and own constitutions. 

Top 20 EU Facts 

1. In March 2022, the EU has 27 members. These 27 member countries are:


• Belgium

• Bulgaria

• Croatia

• Cyprus

• Czechia

• Denmark

• Estonia

• Finland

• France

• Germany

• Greece

• Hungary

• Ireland

• Italy

• Latvia

• Lithuania

• Luxembourg

• Malta

• Netherlands

• Poland

• Portugal

• Romania

• Slovakia

• Slovenia

• Spain

• Sweden


Founders in 1957                 
Joined in 1973
Joined in 1981
Left in 1985
Joined in 1986
Joined in 1995
Joined in 2004
Joined in 2007
Joined in 2013

Left in 2020

From 2013 until 2020, the EU had 28 members. While several countries such as Albania, Serbia or Turkey are still waiting to be accepted to become a member of the EU, one member country left the EU on 31 December 2020: The United Kingdom left the European Union after 52% of the UK population voted to leave the community of the European Union in 2016.
Big Ben and Houses of Parliament are European LandmarksThe United Kingdom left the EU on 31 January 2020
2. The European flag has a circle of 12 golden stars on a blue background which symbolise unity, solidarity and harmony among the European member countries.
EU flagBlue EU flag with 12 golden stars

3. The European motto is ‘United in Diversity’ and this motto was first used in 2000.

4. The European anthem is a melody that was composed by German composer Ludwig van Beethoven in 1823.

The melody is part of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony and referred to as “Ode to Joy” The anthem only consists of the musical tunes, there are no words to the anthem. The anthem is played at official ceremonies of the EU or when several countries share an European event.

5. The EU is home to 513 million inhabitants in total living in the member countries. Thus the EU is the third largest population after China and India.

6. Largest country by land area in the European Union is France, while the biggest EU country by population is Germany.

7. Smallest country of the EU by land area and population is Malta.

Germany Reichstag in Berlin with flag and cyclistReichstag - German parliament buildings in Berlin

8. Largest city in the EU: London in the United Kingdom with almost 9 million inhabitants was the EU's biggest city until 31 January 2020.

Since Brexit, Berlin in Germany is the biggest city with a population of 3.7 million inhabitants. Other big EU cities are Madrid/Spain, Rome/Italy and Paris/France but they have less than 3 million people.

Luxembourg CityLuxembourg City

9. Richest and poorest in the EU: The richest country with the highest GDP per capita is Luxembourg while the poorest country with the lowest GDP per capita is Bulgaria.

10. What is the European Union? The EU is a political and economic union that have common institutions and an EU parliament. The member states of the EU share common interests and common values.

The main purpose is to uphold peace, promote economic and social solidarity and bring the European people together. There is freedom to move in the European Union so people from a EU country can live, work and study in any other European country.

European Union 12 stars

11. When was the EU formed? The first European Union was formed by six countries in 1958 although it was not called 'European Union' then. 

The six founding countries are Germany, France, Italy and the three Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg). 

12. A little history on the EU: The idea to form a common union was introduced by Robert Schuman, foreign minister of France, already in 1950.

The European Union as is was first established with the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993. The final EU constitution came into effect with the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009 which also established the election of a common president for the European Council. 

EU headquarters in Brussels - Vitalii Biliak/shutterstock.comThe EU headquarters are in Brussels

13. Important EU citiesFour cities are very important for the European union:

  • Brussels in Belgium (EU headquarters)
  • Strasbourg in France (European Parliament)
  • Frankfurt/Main in Germany (European Central Bank)
  • Luxembourg City in Luxembourg (seat of the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice)

The EU capital city is Brussels, which is the capital city of Belgium.

14. The presidency of the Council of the European Union rotates every six monthsThe Council of the EU represents the governments of the member states and the presidency is held by the national government’s head of state.

Croatia leads the EU council for the first six months of 2020

The EU council is led from January to June 2022 by France, then from July to December 2022 by the Czech Republic.

15. There are three important bodies within the European Union:

  • The EU Parliament that consists of directly elected members who represent the people of their member country.
  • The EU Council that consists of the heads of state of the member countries who make the decision for and support the decision made prior in their country.
  • The EU Commission represents the interests of the European Union member states and the proposes new laws that the parliament and the council then discuss and can then adopt.

16. Therefore there are three leaders of the European Union

EU Commission president


Ursula von der Leyen  

from Germany

EU council president


Charles Michel 

from Belgium

EU Parliament president


Roberta Metsola

from Malta

17. Languages in the EU: There is no single European language, as all languages are considered equal and shall be respected by all people in the European Union. Thus all information is available in 24 languages: 

European parliament sign in different languages - image shutterstock

The 24 official languages used in the European Union are:

  • Bulgarian
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Estonian
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hungarian
  • Irish
  • Italian
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Maltese
  • Polish
  • Portugues
  • Romanian
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

18. EU Day: Europe Day is celebrated on 9 May. This is, however, not a public holiday, although in Brussels and Strasbourg many public institutions will hold various activities, concerts and open-door events for the interested public.

19. The European economy: The European Union is the largest trade block in the world. The majority of trade is with the EU member countries as there is free trade among the member countries. The so-called ‘single market’ was established in 1992.

In terms of the total value of all goods and services produced (GDP), it is bigger than the US economy. 

20. Largest airport: Since Brexit, Paris Charles de Gaulle in France is the busiest airport in the EU.

Until 31 January 2020, London Heathrow airport in the United Kingdom was the largest and busiest airport in the European Union. 

More EU Facts

EU Facts | Money: The European Central Bank was founded in 1998 and the European currency was introduced in 2002. The European currency is the EURO for 19 countries of the EU while other European countries still use their own national currency such as Denmark, Sweden, Croatia and the United Kingdom. The first EURO coins and banknotes were circulated in the European countries in 2002.

Eurosign in Frankfurt am Main/GermanyEurosign in Frankfurt am Main/Germany

EU Facts | EUROThese are the 19 country of the EURO zone: These countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain.

The history of the European Union: Every year (1952-2020)

  • The modernisation of Spain during the Restoration.
  • Important culturaland political figures of the Restoration.
  • The loss of the last overseas territories.
  • The beginning and end of the Second Republic, the Civil War and life in Spain post war.
  • Important dates and events of the current democracy.

The start of the 20th century was the continuation of the Restoration, which began when Alfonso XII became king in 1874. The Restoration ended in 1923, when Primo de Rivera became dictatorIn 1931 the Second Republic was established. (Al inicio del siglo XX, en España seguía vigente el sistema de la Restauración que había comenzado cuando Alfonso XII se convirtió en rey en 1874. La Restauración terminó en 1923, cuando Primo de Rivera se convirtió en dictadorEn 1931 se estableció la Segunda República).

After Alfonso XII died in 1885, Spain was ruled by his wife María Cristina until Alfonso XIII turned 16 in 1902. During Alfonso XIII’s reign Spain experienced political and social conflict. (Tras la muerte de Alfonso XII en 1885, España fue gobernada por su mujer, María Cristina, hasta que Alfonso XIII cumplió 16 años en 1902. Durante el reinado de Alfonso XIII, España experimentó conflictos políticos y sociales).

Because of these problems, there was a military coup in 1923. With Alfonso XIII’s support, General Miguel Primo de Rivera established a dictatorship(Debido a estos problemas, hubo un golpe militar en 1923. Con el apoyo de Alfonso XIII, el general Miguel Primo de Rivera estableció una dictadura).

At first, many people supported Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship. Later on there was opposition from the army and from Alfonso XIII. Primo de Rivera resigned in 1930. (Al principio, mucha gente apoyó la dictadura de Primo de Rivera. Más tarde hubo oposición por parte del ejército y de Alfonso XIII. Primo de Rivera renunció en 1930).

 The Second Republic began in 1931 when the Republicans and Socialists won the municipal elections. The monarchy was abolished. Manuel Azaña became president. There was a new constitution and Spain became a democracy: all men and women could vote. (La Segunda República se inició en 1931 cuando republicanos y socialistas ganaron las elecciones municipales. Se abolió la monarquía y Manuel Azaña se convirtió en presidente. Se redactó una nueva Constitución y España se convirtió en una democracia: todos los hombres y mujeres pudieron votar).

In July 1936 a military rebellion against the Second Republic began in Spanish Morocco. Its leader was General Francisco Franco. The rebels took control of parts of Spain. The country became divided between areas controlled by the rebels and areas controlled by the Second Republic. (En julio de 1936 se inició en la zona española de Marruecos un rebelión militar contra la Segunda República, liderada por el general Francisco Franco. Los rebeldes tomaron el control de algunas zonas de España. El país se dividió en áreas controladas por los rebeldes y otras controladas por la Segunda República).

Fighting between the Nationalists and Republicans lasted until the Nationalists took control of Madrid. The war ended in April 1939. As a result of the Nationalist victory, the Second Republic ended. Franco established a right-wing dictatorship. (La lucha entre republicanos y nacionales se mantuvo hasta que estos últimos se hicieron con el control de Madrid. La guerra terminó en abril de 1939. Como resultado de la victoria de los nacionales, desapareció la Segunda República. Franco estableció una dictadura de derechas). 

After the Nationalists won the Spanish Civil War, Franco established a dictatorship. He made himself the head of state and of the government, and Caudillo (leader) of Spain. He took complete control of the country’s politics, economy, religion and laws. (Tras la victoria de los nacionales en la Guerra Civil española, Franco estableció una dictadura. Se nombró a sí mismo jefe de Estado y del Gobierno y caudillo (líder) de España. Tomó el control completo de la política, la economía, la religión y las leyes).

Today, Spain is a democracy. Every four years there are elections to choose the government. People over 18 years old can vote for the political party that represents their opinions. The right to vote and other rights are guaranteed by the constitution. (España es hoy una democracia. Cada cuatro años hay elecciones para elegir al Gobierno. Los ciudadanos mayores de 18 años pueden votar al partido político que mejor represente sus intereses. El derecho a votar y otros derechos están recogidos en la Constitución española).

 Since the transition to democracy, two parties have governed Spain at different times: the Socialist Party (PSOE) and the People’s Party (PP). In recent years new parties have been formed, such as Podemos and Citizens. (Desde la transición a la democracia, dos partidos han gobernado este país: el Partido Socialista (PSOE) y el Partido Popular (PP). En los últimos años se han formado nuevos partidos, como Unidas Podemos y Ciudadanos).

 Spain has influenced the most important artistic movements of the 20th and 21st centuries. The country has also produced some of the most famous artists of this period. There have also been important developments in literature. (España ha estado influída por los movimientos artísticos más importantes de los siglos XX y XXI. Durante este período ha habido importantes artistas y un gran desarrollo de la literatura).

 Cubism used geometric shapes to represent people and things. 

Surrealism represented imaginary scenes and fantasies. 

Abstract art developed in the second half of the 20th century. It represented ideas rather than reality. 

The Generation of ’27 was a group of poets that formed in the 1920s to experiment with new styles of poetry and artistic expression. 

Spain at the beginning of the 20th century

The Spanish Civil War


The French Revolution
2nd May, War of Independence
The first Constitution in Cádiz in 1812
Liberalism and Carlist wars
Independence of Spain's Americans territories
The works of Francisco de Goya

In this unit we will learn about the events that marked the beginning of the Modern Age (French Revolution); the Spanish War of Independence; the Carlist Wars; the Spanish Empire... 


The War of Independence started when the population did not accept Joseph Bonaparte as king and rebelled against the French.

 (La guerra de Independencia comenzó cuando la población no aceptó a José Bonaparte como rey y se rebeló contra los franceses).

* The War of Independence lasted until 1814, when the French were defeated and Ferdinand VII returned as King of Spain. 

(La guerra de la Independencia duró hasta 1814, cuando los franceses fueron derrotados y Fernando VII regresó como rey de España).

* In 1812, the Spanish Parliament’s members wrote Spain’s first constitution, the Constitution of Cádiz. 

(En 1812, los miembros del Parlamento Español escribieron la primera constitución de España, la Constitución de Cádiz ).

 It limited the king’s power and established rights for citizens. (Limitaba el poder del rey y establecía derechos para los ciudadanos).

* In 1814, Ferdinand VII returned as King of Spain. He abolished the Constitution of Cádiz and re-established an absolute monarchy. 

En 1814, Fernando VII regresó como rey de España. Prohibió la Constitución de Cádiz y restableció una monarquía absoluta).

* Ferdinand VII changed the law of sucsession so his daughter could ascend to the throne.

Isabella II became queen when Ferdinand VII died in 1833. 

(Fernando VII cambió la ley de sucesión para que su hija pudiera subir al trono. Isabel II se convirtió en reina cuando Fernando VII murió en 1833). 

There was a constitutional monarchy that limited her power. However, numerous military conflicts and changes of government led to a revolution, and in 1868, Isabell II went into exile. 

(Hubo una monarquía constitucional que limitaba su poder. Sin embargo, numerosos conflictos militares y cambios en el gobierno condujeron a una revolución y , en 1868, Isabel II fue al exilio.

* In 1871, members of Parliament proclaimed a republic, a form of government with no king. 

(En 1871, los miembros del Parlamento proclamaron una república, una forma de gobierno sin rey).

* In 1874, the son of Isabella II, Alfonso XII, was crowned King of Spain, and a new historical period, known as the Restoration, began. 

(En 1874, el hijo de Isabel II, Alfonso XII, fue coronado rey de España, y un nuevo período histórico, conocido como la Restauración, comenzó.

* In Spain, the Industrial Revolution took place in the 19th century. As a consequence of the Industrial Revolution, many important economic and social changes took place.

 (En España, la Revolución Industrial tuvo lugar en el siglo XIX. Como consecuencia, muchos cambios económicos y sociales tuvieron lugar).

* Society in the 19th century was divided into three classes:

 (La sociedad del siglo XIX estaba dividida en tres clases sociales:)

     – The upper class consisted of the aristocrats (nobles who owned large areas of land) and the bourgeois (factory owner, prosperous merchant and bankers).

 (La clase alta que consistía en los aristócratas: nobles que poseían grandes áreas de tierra y los burgueses: dueños de fábricas, comerciantes y banqueros).

     – The middle class consisted of the small merchants and entrepreneurs, small landowners, doctors, lawyers and engineers.

(La clase media que estaba formada por pequeños comerciantes y empresarios, terratenientes, doctores, abogados e ingenieros).

     – The low class consisted of poorer people: the peasants and the factory workers.

(La clase baja que estaba compuesta por las personas más pobres: campesinos y obreros).

French Revolution Song

The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire

The reign of Fernando VII

                     The war of Independence

The reign of Isabel II





Spain´s political geography
Provinces in Spain
Spain´s relief
Spain´s rivers
Characteristics of  Spain´s coasts and islands.

Where´s Europe?
What are Europe´s rivers and lakes like?
What´s Europe´s relief like?
What´s Europe´s coastline like?


Modern spain: the 19th century 
How did the modern Age begin?
What was the Spanish War of the Independence?
What were the Carlist Wars?
What happened to the Spanish Empire?
How did the economy and society change?
What happened in spain in the late 19th century ?
What artistic movements were there?

Modern Spain: the 20th century 
What happened in Spain in the early 20th century?
What was the Spanish Civil War?
What was Spain like during Franco´s dictatorship?
What has happened in Spain since 1975?
How have art and culture developed?


Spain´s politics
What´s a democracy?
How is power distributed in Spain?
How´s Spain organised?
What are public services?

The European Union
What´s the European Union?
What´s the Eurozone?
What are the main institutions?
What are the EU´s future goals?


Modern Spain: the 20th century                                                                                                                            

abstract art = arte abstracto
Catholic Church = Iglesia Católica
censorship = censura
Conservatives = conservadores, de derechas
constitution = constitución
Cubism = Cubismo
currency = moneda
democracy = democracia
dictator = dictador
dictatorship = dictadura
freedom = libertad
imprisonaprisionar, encarcelar
landowner = terrateniente, hacendado
left-wing = izquierdista
Liberals = liberales
living conditions = condiciones de vida
military = militar
military coup = golpe de estado
Nationalists = nacionalistas
parliamentary monarchy = monarquía parlamentaria
poet = poeta
Popular party = Partido Popular
press = prensa
referendum = referendo
Republicans = republicanos
resign = renunciar, dimitir
Cuadro de texto: © Oxford University Pres España, S. A.Restoration = Restauración
right- wing = de derechas
Second Republic = Segunda República
Second World War = Segunda Guerra Mundial
Modern Spain: the 20th century                                       

Socialist party = Partido Socialista
strike = huelga
Surrealism = Surrealismo
suspended = suspendido, cesado
terrorist = terrorista
trade union =  sindicato
transition = transición
United Nations = Naciones Unidas

Cuadro de texto: © Oxford University Press España, S. A. 

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