Unit 4: Pablo Picasso

Who are they?


Pablo Picasso
Composition (1948)

Picasso was born in Malaga in Spain in 1881, but in 1904 when he was 23 he moved to Paris. This is because Paris was the capital of the avant-garde, which means cutting-edge and very cool. Picasso became friends with lots of artists and writers, like Georges Braque who he invented cubism with; and a writer called Gertrude Stein who collected art wrote a cubist book. He became interested in art from other continents too. You can see some of these influences in his painting.

Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous artists of the twentieth-century. Why? Because he was brilliant at drawing. People really loved his doodles. What do you think of the drawing above? Look at how he has used colour…how many colours can you see? What objects are in the picture?

Even as a child he was better at drawing than many adults. He could draw and paint just about anything, and in any style. He liked to experiment and try out new ideas, which is important if you are an artist, because the world is always changing. Picasso helped us see the world in new ways.

Pablo Picasso
Horse with a Youth in Blue (1905–6)

Pablo Picasso
The Studio (1955)


Picasso was so experimental, and created so many different kinds of art that historians have divided his life and the art he made into stages. The Blue Period and the Rose Period came first (when he used lots of blue and pink to make paintings). These were followed by primitivism, cubism, classicism (when he created more traditional or classic artworks), surrealism, wartime and Late Works.




One of his most famous periods is the cubist period. The painting below is one of his cubist pictures. Cubism is when the artist paints an object, like a bottle, from lots of different angles all in the same picture. So you see the front, the back and the sides of the bottle at the same time. In a way, it’s a bit like having x-ray eyes!

Pablo Picasso
Bowl of Fruit, Violin and Bottle (1914)
Lent by the National Gallery 1997

                Look how expressive this artwork is!

Pablo Picasso
The Three Dancers (1925)

In 1937 the Spanish Civil War broke out. The picture below is called The Weeping Woman, and it was painted in protest to the bombing of a town called Guernica in Spain. The woman is crying but her face is all mixed up. This is because it is a cubist painting. If you look closely you can see that Picasso has painted both the front of the woman’s face and the side of her face. Hold your hand up to the picture and cover the left side of her face. Can you see that she is now in profile? Picasso was trying to show us what pain and unhappiness looks like. What do you feel when you look at this painting?

Pablo Picasso
Weeping Woman (1937)

But Picasso has also painted hope. The woman’s right ear has turned into a bird that is drinking her tears away and there is a pretty flower in her hat, showing us that new life is just around the corner.


What do you think of Pablo’s work? If you drew a portrait of your best friend in the style of Picasso, how would it look?




April 2022

Unit 3: Antoni Gaudí 

Antoni Gaudí Cornet
Antoni Gaudi 1878.jpg
Gaudí in 1878, by Pau Audouard
Born25 June 1852
Reus or Riudoms, Catalonia, Spain
Died10 June 1926 (aged 73)
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
BuildingsSagrada Família, Casa Milà,
Casa Batlló
ProjectsPark Güell, Church of Colònia Güell
Casa Vicens (Gràcia) - 2
Casa Vicens in Barcelona
Sagrada Família in Barcelona

Antoni Gaudí i Cornet (25 June 1852 – 10 June 1926) was a Spanish architect. He was born in Reus, in Catalonia, and became a leader of Catalan modernism. Gaudí's works are in his own distinctive style. Most are in the Catalan capital of Barcelona, especially his greatest work, the Sagrada Família.

He got some ideas from neo-Gothic artArt Deco and Oriental techniques, and became part of the modernist movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Between 1984 and 2005, seven of his works were declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. The seven works were: the Park Güell, the Palau Güell and the Casa Milà; the Nativity facade, the crypt and the apse of the Sagrada Família, the Casa Vicens and the Casa Batlló in Barcelona, and the crypt of the Colònia Güell in Santa Coloma de Cervelló.

Gaudí's Roman Catholic faith intensified during his life and religious images permeate his work. This earned him the nickname "God's Architect", and eventually led to his beatification in 2011.

His work had an organic style inspired by nature. Gaudí rarely drew detailed plans of his works, instead preferring to create them as three-dimensional scale models and molding the details as he was conceiving them.

Gaudí died on 10 June 1926 in Barcelona, Spain after being hit by a tram, aged 73.

Barcelona Milla Sagrada Familia

Let's see  Antoni Gaudí in Barcelona: the 10 Major Works👇

Antoni GAUDÌ - Parc GÜELL

Public park in Barcelona, designed by the architect Antonio Gaudí, inspired by the forms of nature.

mosaic dragon

                                                     Antoni GAUDÌ - Parc GÜELL

March 2022

 St Patrick's Day Crafts to make - fun ideas to make Leprechauns and Shamrocks

February 2022


Posters and paintings have long been used to influence how people think or feel about certain ideas.

Design a persuasive poster to convince teachers that homework or tests are a bad thing.


Poster paper





Craft materials


Guernica is a world-famous painting by Pablo Picasso. It is one of the world's greatest anti-war paintings. It is a very large painting (a mural) which shows the bombing of the Spanish town of Guernica in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War.

The Spanish Republican government asked Pablo Picasso to paint a large mural for an art exhibition in Paris. It shows how people, as well as animals, all suffer because of the tragedies of war. The painting soon became so famous that it was seen as a world symbol for peace. The fame of the painting helped to bring the Spanish Civil War to an end.

Guernica is navy blue, black and white, 3.5 metre (11 ft) tall and 7.8 metre (25.6 ft) wide, a mural-size canvas painted in oil. It hangs in the Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid.

There is a project where children shows peace… and that´s what we´re doing in English Art.

We´re colouring it, making it funny!

November 2021


             The life of the Spanish painter Francisco Goya


12 x 18 Medium and Light Gray construction paper
6 x 18 White Drawing Paper
Tempera Paint: Black and White
Mixing Trays, small paint brushes
Glue, Scissors and Pencils.

 Maybe, just maybe, these snowflakes will bring a Snow day!
6th grade students are going to create these beautiful winter trees inspired by Goya and 
his use of highlights and shadows. 

Day One:  After we examined various works of art done by Goya, you will create snow with torn paper and also add a light source from the left over scrap paper. A beautiful full moon 
that will create just the right light in our night paintings.

Next,  create black trees to represent the shadow. There are various types of trees containing either angular or fluid branches. Many trees had beautiful movement 
while others stood solid and stoic in place.

After the trees came the mixing. You will  find just the right gray! You will overlap the gray on top of the black trees making sure the gray is facing the light source. Let it dry.

Day Two: The highlight. With white tempera paint, let's  overlap onto the gray to create the value you desire.

December 2021

Christmas cards 👇

How to draw an owl 

Halloween: skeleton


Scary Halloween Story For Kids - Too Much Candy 

                        Mata mua by Gauguin

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